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Submission Guidelines

Mystorical welcomes unsolicited blog articles or photo essays for consideration. Articles should cover topics of interest to re-enactors, Renaissance Faire-goers, history buffs, and costumed enthusiasts.

Article submissions should be emailed to Kim Guarnaccia at Suggested Length: 200-800 words, but photo essays and longer articles will be considered.


All work may be edited for clarity and editorial consistency, so do not submit an article unless you are prepared to accept edits and/or be willing to rewrite your piece, as needed, to answer key editorial questions. To gain the widest possible readership, accepted articles will be posted on the Mystorical site, in regular email blasts to subscribers, as well as on the FaireFinder Facebook page and other related group pages.

For each article published, the author will be compensated $30 US/article.


When submitting an article, follow the following guidelines:

1. Make sure that article is timely (i.e., took place over the past month).

2. Each article should include your name as you would like it to appear on the blog, email, and short bio to run at the end of the article.

3. Each article should also include a suggested title, short subtitle, and tags (see our existing tags for ideas). Any suggested title, subtitle, etc. many be edited for clarity and length.

3. Include links to all primary source materials. These links will be used as hyperlinks, as appropriate, throughout the article.

4. Include up to 3 photos; links to online photos accepted. If no photos are provided, we will find what we feel is an appropriate image to use with the piece. We also reserve the right to use our own photos at any time except in the case of a photo essay submission.

5. Include additional information, such as links to museums or sites, or dates for upcoming events mentioned in the article, at the end of each piece.

Any questions, please email

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